So, if you’re a regular reader of Darwin Eats Cake, you’ll already know that two new characters have been introduced to the strip: R A Fisher’s Pipe and J B S Haldane’s Moustache.
If you’re not a regular reader, you should be, because it will make me happy (and it is, after all, the holiday season), and also because Robert Gonzales once called it “my [meaning Robert’s] new favorite webcomic” over at io9.
For those of you who are not population geneticists, or at least evolutionary biologists, Fisher and Haldane are two of the major figures of the “modern synthesis” in evolution in the first part of the twentieth century. This was basically the integration of the Mendelian idea of the gene with the Darwinian idea of gradual change via natural selection. Fisher, in addition, created a whole lot of modern statistics, which have found applications far outside of evolutionary biology.
R. A. Fisher smoking his pipe. Not a euphemism. |
J. B. S. Haldane, um, I guess, having his mustache. Note the lack of “o” in the American spelling of mustache. |
Fisher loved himself a good smoke. In fact, late in his life, he publicly challenged research purporting to show a causal link between smoking and lung cancer. Oops.
Haldane once chased my former officemate and his mother down the street in a rainstorm in Calcutta to offer them an umbrella.
These two anecdotes provide all the information you need to accurately reconstruct the political views of each.
Fisher passed away in 1962, and Haldane in 1964. Fortunately, one of the most salient features of each was preserved in a jar for posterity. And now, half a century later, the two have reunited to bring you their genetically inspired comedy stylings.
Here’s what you’ve missed so far:
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Best URL for sharing: Permanent image URL for hotlinking or embedding: |
Haldane is so … quiet … oops, I mean “quite”.
BAM. Anagram achieved.
You’re such a clever man Jeevy
Hmm…Fisher’s pipe seems almost amiable. Are you quite sure it’s Fisher’s?
I’m thinking maybe he sucked all of the vitriol out of it.