Category Archives: video

The Week in Hooters (with video!)

So, this week brought us a veritable twin peaks of news relating to Hooters, the restaurant Americans go to for the articles.

First, on Friday evening, there was the Vampire-at-Florida-Hooters incident, which seems to have gone something like this. Josephine Rebecca Smith, a 22-year-old Pensacola resident, was dropped off at a Shell station, where she was waiting for a ride from a relative. While waiting there, she met 69-year-old Morton Ellis.

Ellis was hanging out on the front porch of a vacant Hooters, as you do.

Ellis invited Smith to join him on the porch, and proceeded to fall asleep. Next thing he knew, Smith was on top of him, telling him that she was a vampire, and biting chunks of his face off. Ellis somehow managed to get away from her in his motorized wheel chair, and call the police from back at the Shell station.

When Smith was later arrested, police reported that she was half naked, covered in blood, and recalled nothing of the incident.

Which sounds a lot more like a werewolf attack, if you ask me.

Second, in a move that is in no way a crass exploitation of human tragedy, Hooters released this video, which seems to be titled “Hooters® Remembers”:

To help cleanse your palette, now, I’d like to take you back to 1985. It was a simpler time, when millions of teenage girls had non-ironic crushes on George Michael, the only thing we had to fear was impending nuclear holocaust, and we danced. How did we dance, you ask? Like a wave on the ocean, that’s how.

Going to the Store (The Objective Correlative of Something)

So, here’s something else for your Labor Day enjoyment. What I particularly love are all of the comments on Vimeo where people are like “Oh my God, this is SO ME,” or “Someone finally understands.”

Apparently, this video represents the objective correlative of some previously ineffable human experience.

Congratulations to “dlew” for finally effing it.

BTW, video is borderline NSFW (but not really), and is best viewed with the volume way up.

going to the store. from dlew on Vimeo.

Guillaume explains the origins of armpit hair, with bonus items

So, Guillaume has answered his second letter for Guillaume’s Mailbag. As usual, this will be much more readable at the Darwin Eats Cake site:

Best URL for sharing:
Permanent image URL for hotlinking or embedding:

Hat-tips go to Alejandro Weinstein for his question, and to Lizzie Foley, for consulting with Guillaume on the answer.

Guillaume also wanted to point out that if armpit hair were not adaptive, then why would Kevin Grennan have included it in this artificial armpit?

The robotic armpit releases “Japanese standard artificial sweat,” which is apparently a thing. Image via CNET.

We leave you now with this music video, which, if Pop Up Video is to be believed, was referred to by its director as a “celebration of the armpit.” Enjoy.

Happy Belated Father’s Day

So, Farther’s day was almost a week ago, but I wanted to share this video, which illustrates all the good-timey ho-down fun that led to your father becoming your father.

Did I just call your mom a ho?  It sure seems like it, doesn’t it?

If you want to try this (or something like it) at home, check out the ideas in this article:

Joseph P. Chinnici,, Joyce W. Yue,, & Kieron M. Torres (2004). Students as “Human Chromosomes” in Role-Playing Mitosis & Meiosis The American Biology Teacher, 66 (1), 35-39

Chewbacca as Axl Rose

So, here’s something that will make you yearn for a simpler time, when a Sasparilla cost two bits, everybody knew their neighbors, and wookies still had a sense of dignity.

Warning: if you love Star Wars, this will hurt your soul.

If you love the Star Wars prequels, you will probably enjoy this video in a non-ironic way. Also, you should get that checked.

via Geekologie.

Minnesota Republican John Kriesel gives moving speech on gay marriage

So, every now and then, something happens in state politics that reaffirms my faith in democracy. It happens when someone governs like a human being who actually loves America and Americans. When they take a stand based on their beliefs, rather than polling numbers and lobbyist dollars.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen this at the national level.

In this case, the reaffirmation comes from Minnesota, where state representative John Kriesel gave a moving speech about why he was voting against a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

The punchline? Kriesel is a Republican — one of only two to vote against the amendment.

I don’t know what political repercussions Kriesel will suffer as a result. But that’s what is so beautiful about this speech. It seems that Kriesel doesn’t care, and is actually voting for what he thinks is right. If we could figure out a way to fill all of our elected positions with people willing to do that, we would live in a very different and much better America.

Now, it’s not all silver lining. The measure passed the Minnesota House 70-62. And, just to make sure we all understand the profound spitefulness of this amendment, there is already a law banning gay marriage in Minnesota.

via Boing Boing