Category Archives: culture

Well Thank God for THAT: Blood (another new fragrance)

So, let’s say you’re a teenage girl. And, say, due to undisclosed psychological damage, you really want a weird, controlling, MUCH older, sparkly, smelly boyfriend. And, you want sex with said boyfriend to violently knock you unconscious. AND, you want the resulting pregnancy to nearly kill you, so that he has to perform an amateur c-section on you . . . with his teeth.

Why would you want this? I honestly have no idea. But, hey, we don’t judge here at Lost in Transcription.

Introducing BLOOD CONCEPT, a set of fragrances out of Italy. Dab a little of this behind your ears, and you’ll soon be fighting off swarms of vampires AND mosquitos.

I am AB negative, which means that I have a head of  “Aldehydes. Aluminium. Slate,” A middle of “Pebble. Aqua,” and a base of “Cedar Wood. Metallic Notes.” Or maybe it means I have the negative of that.

Direct from the website:

Filled with legends and meanings, blood is soaked with mystery‚ fascination and respect. it’s the most tested and studied part of human body and it guards a multitude of secrets that reveals our inner and unique way of being.

BLOOD CONCEPT is a private celebration of the vivid and fascinating liquid that flows in our veins. Because blood is actually the river of life.

A, B, AB and 0, retrace the evolution of manhood through time and its record of information, history and mutation, so well kept in the vital flushing of blood. 

BLOOD CONCEPT is a mystic ritual with no flowers to be found: deep as primeval Africa in 0‚ aromatic as the scent of familiar land in A, bold as unpredictable itineraries in B, bold and sharp as a metropolitan skyline in AB.

Ending each time with the same subtle and mysterious note: a metallic vague suspicion.

 Oddly enough, in that text (copied and pasted), that fourth flavor is not the letter “O”, but the number zero.

Celebrity auto-tweets

So, are you someone who religiously follows celebrities on twitter? Do you find yourself getting frustrated and depressed because they don’t tweet often enough for you?

Fortunately, there’s this thing you may or may not have seen, where you can type in a twitter name, and it will look at the previous tweets in the feed and suggest your next tweet.

Here are suggested tweets for the nine people who made Time’s 140 Best Twitter Feeds in the “Celebrities” category:

@ActuallyNPH (Neil Patrick Harris): Harry Houdini was born on B’way. Intimate, lovely. Bernadette Peters is in his face, but nothing major.

@alyssa_milano: ☁ 8 Things To Sleep better ➛ ♡ 5 Foods That Will Save The Beatles ➵ !

@feliciaday: Don’t equal the depressing passage of Cheerios. Seems like Sloth’s young quirky cousin LOL!


@taylorswift13: Just soundchecked in a cloud today. So stoked. So stoked. So stoked. So stoked.

@theellenshow (Ellen DeGeneres): The VIP tickets and I think this was wrong.

@aplusk (Ashton Kutcher): I FANCY the +1 Button Thx new apple iCharger!

@justinbieber: Germany is on stage hahahah he’s okay.. just got here. amazing place…not a lot of dancing skillz?

@ladygaga: I promised unicorns would be released on the whiskey, lipstick, and queens of rainbow roads.

So, you can go there, type in the twitter name of that person you’re stalking, and just keep hitting return. It’s like they’re tweeting just to you!

If you’re considering whether or not you should be using this technology to stalk me (@jonfwilkins), I’d like to present this in the interest of full disclosure. I ran it on myself a bunch of times, and this seemed to be the high-water mark:

@jonfwilkins: Congrats! This was far from being reblogged. Especially by Katy Perry. The word is you’re killing 11 people.

Prince Caspian on Wall Street’s arcane financial instruments

So, over the past two and a half years, a lot of opinions have been aired on the arcane financial instruments that were created, packaged, repackaged, sold, and leveraged by Wall Street Czars and Moguls. Some people view this activity as a natural extension of free-market capitalism, just as some people undoubtedly view eating children as a good source of protein. Other people view this self-referential and self-reinforcing “fake economy” as a financial cancer that nearly collapsed the world economy, just as some people view cancer as a cancer that kills people.

I’m still making up my mind.

While we have heard a lot on the topic from economists and politicians, one person we have not heard from is the fictional ruler of the fictional country of Narnia. Unfortunately, there are no surviving records from which we can reconstruct what Caspian X (the ruler formerly known as Prince Caspian) on these matters. However, we can infer a little something from Caspian’s questioning Governor Gumpas of the Lone Islands about islands’ slave trade.

Just to set the scene, we’re in Book 3 here, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The Lone Islands are a part of the Kingdom of Narnia, but it has been about a hundred and fifty years since the last contact. So, the islands have been more or less self governing for a while. Caspian and the gang arrive to find a thriving slave trade, and Caspian insists that Gumpas abolish the practice.

The arguments that Gumpas puts forth to defend the slave trade could have come out of mouths of any one of the very serious people who have cautioned us against the chilling effect of imposing regulations, or curbing executive pay, or insisting upon transparency in how tax-supported funds are distributed among the elite.

“Necessary, unavoidable, a necessary part of the economic development of the islands, I assure you. Our present burst of prosperity depends on it.”

“Your Majesty’s tender years hardly make it possible that you should understand the economic problem involved. I have statistics, I have graphs, I have . . .”

“But that would be putting the clock back. Have you no idea of progress, or development?”

Caspian’s response could have come out of the mouths of any of the millions of people who lack the connections and – let’s say moral flexibility – to thrive in government:

In other words, you don’t need [slaves]. Tell me what purpose they serve except to put money into the pockets of such as [the slave trader] Pug? . . . . I do not see that it brings into the islands meat or bread or beer or wine or timber or cabbages or books or instruments of music or armour or anything else worth having. But whether or not it does, it must be stopped. 

So, two action items here. First, for anyone in congress who was holding off on enacting meaningful financial reform until you were clear on Narnia’s position on the matter, you may now proceed.

Second, speaking now to the British Royal Family from the self-governing former colony of America, if you can tear yourself away from hanging out with pedophiles and dressing up like Nazis, maybe you could come over and visit Wall Street and kick a little Gumpass, if you know what I mean.

Now, I’m certain that some readers are going to feel that I’ve played a bit fast and loose with the analogy here. After all, is it really fair to compare contemporary American capitalism to the slave trade?

You make a good point, imaginary critic.

Here in America, we live in one of the richest nations in the history of the world. The top one percent of the population receive only 25% of the income and control only 40% of the wealth. Government policies meet needs of corporations and the extremely wealthy with increasing efficiency. We send the children of the least wealthy members of our society off to fight against oppressive regimes that do not cater to our geopolitical dominance, while we send the children of the wealthiest members of our society off to curry favor with equally oppressive regimes that provide us with energy resources and places to dock our warships. Corporations have been granted rights of unlimited expression and privacy, while individual whistleblowers are confined and tortured. Rules of equal treatment in the court system have been abandoned for those subsets of humanity deemed too dangerous to be given a fair trial.

You’re right. It is absolutely nothing at all like slavery.


Update: I’ve changed the title, and modified the text a bit to clarify that King Caspian X is the same person as Prince Caspian, which is probably obvious only if you are a huge C. S. Lewis fan.

Well Thank God for THAT: Bacon Cologne

So, previously I wrote about a cologne based on the conservative torture-porn television franchise 24. Here we have another fragrance for men that seems either unlikely or inevitable, depending on you outlook on life: bacon-flavored cologne.

It’s called Bacōn.

Just like 24: the fragrance, Bacōn contains notes of bergamot, and just like Kiefer Sutherland, Bacōn is Canadian Ham, or something like that.

The website features a 360-degree view of the box, allowing you access to life tips such as “Avoid spraying in eyes,” as well as the enigmatic “Flammable.”

Catchphrase: Scent by the gods.

Bonus Darwin Eats Cake: Expertise

So, here’s a little something for all you Dancing with the Stars fans out there.

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The good news is that for every seven dollars Candie’s Foundation gave to Bristol Palin in 2009, they spent one dollar on “actual teen pregnancy prevention programs.”(Raw Story)

I’m certain that’s EXACTLY what the donors were hoping for.

Well Thank God for THAT: Bill & Ted 3

So, if you were worried that Hollywood was going to just close up shop after they finished making movies based on comic-book characters, rest easy. Keanu has informed the world that there will be a sequel that will answer all of the questions that were left unanswered at the end of the second movie.

Says Keanu, “I believe the writers are six weeks away from a draft.”

I take this to mean that the writers will be starting on the project in about four weeks.

“[T]here’s an element of time, and they have to go back,” he added.

Story and video at MTV News.

Worst. Lecture. Ever.

So, this one is for all the teachers out there who have ever felt discouraged because their students fell asleep in class. It is also for any of you who ever felt sorry for yourselves having to sit through a boring lecture.

This from BBC3’s Bizarre ER. Student Holly Thomson was sitting through a government and politics lecture that was SO boring . . .

(You: How boring was it?)

It was SO boring that she yawned hard enough to dislocate her jaw. She could not close it again and had to be taken to the emergency room.

Your boring lecture on the difference between neoteny and progenesis doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

Via Asylum.