Category Archives: video

Star Wars!! The Director’s Uncut!!

So, here it is, the crowd-sourced, full length remake of Star Wars. That’s two full hours of action figures, paper starships, pencil drawings, and dudes dressed in Star Trek uniforms. It has been lovingly spliced together from scenes hand-picked from the fan-filmed bits uploaded at Star Wars Uncut.

It’ll renew your faith in the Star Wars of your childhood. That magnificent jewel of genius extruded inexplicably from the gaping chasm of despair in the spot where you had, perhaps, naively assumed George Lucas’s soul would be.

Oh, and, of course, there’s Legos.

The Day the LOLCats Died

So, you’ve probably heard about, or may already be experiencing the partial internet blackout to draw attention to and protest SOPA/PIPA, the MPAA/RIAA lobbyist written and funded sibling bills that aim to fuck up the internet for everyone by basically handing censorship authority over to corporations in the name of protecting intellectual property.

Enjoy this. Then call your damn Senators!

Read more from the Electronic Frontier Foundation here.

William Shatner goes Space Truckin’

So, if you slept through October, you might have missed the release of William Shatner’s latest “music” album Seeking Major Tom. It features some very, very Shatner covers a bunch of space-themed songs, like “Rocket Man,” along with a bunch of stuff-that’s-sort-of-vaguely-related-to-space-themed songs, like “She Blinded Me with Science.”

Of the few that I have listened to, my favorite is this cover of Deep Purple’s “Space Truckin,” here set to some awesome space-themed choreography by intrepid YouTuber zanderkaneusa:

Sherlock / Smaug reads Kubla Khan

So, the official title of this is “Benedict Cumberbatch reads Kubla Khan,” but if you’re like me, you’re all, “Who the hell is Benedict Cumberbatch? That sounds like either a good way to ruin poached eggs, or some sort of sexually transmitted fungal infection.”

To save you from embarrassment, I’ll just tell you. He’s this dude:

image from Wikipedia

That’s the actor who plays Sherlock Holmes in the most recent incarnation from the BBC, Sherlock.

He’s also going to be playing the dragon Smaug in the upcoming Hobbit movies (via motion capture), and providing the voice for the Necromancer (aka Sauron). In those same movies, Bilbo Baggins will be played by Martin Freeman. Freeman also plays Watson opposite Cumberbatch’s Holmes.

Somehow the whole situation seems Oedipal to me, although I can’t quite articulate why.

Anyway, here is Cumberbatch reading Kubla Khan, one of my favorites. It is embedded here as a YouTube video, but is just audio.

If you’re watching it with the sound off, but want to know what the experience would be like if you could actually hear it, here are a few comments from YouTube:

     “I want to be these words. His voice practically caresses them.”

     “I would gladly go to that pleasure dome if he was in it.”

     “me gusta”

     “OVARIES GO BOOM!!!!!!”